The Bullocks
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tyler's Most Important Decision
He somewhat casually told me one night as I was laying down with them at bedtime, after books, Bible story and prayer, that he had asked Jesus into his heart several days before. I was a bit taken aback by his statement, but I felt my heart jump in excitement at the same time. We have had several conversations before this about sin, Jesus' dying on the cross to save us from our sins, rising from the dead, and our need to ask Him to forgive us of our sins and ask Him into our hearts to save us from our sins. I am thankful for his cousins who have already made this decision and shared it with him. They were very influential in his interest in finding out about salvation! Thank you Harris, Anna Claire, Seth, Callie & Joel!
So, we talked for a little while about this that night. He really seems to understand what he has done. We talked some more about it and looked up some Bible verses the next day after school. As we were reading the verses and talking about what they meant, he said, "This is the same stuff we already talked about!" I laughed a little and told him that was right. I was just showing him where we got all the stuff we talked about. I wanted to be sure he understood that the Bible is where we learn all about sin, Jesus' love for us, and the salvation that we have in Him.
He was eager to do more reading in his Bible, which is a great one for kids that we got him at Christmas. It is The Adventure Bible for Early Readers (NIrV). It's really great because it puts it in words that are easier for him to read and understand. It also has a good number of other tools that can help him understand the Bible as well. If you have young children, it's a great one! We spent some time the next day as well reading more and talking. He also spent some time before bed Saturday night talking to Jeremy about it all.
So, Sunday morning at church, he wanted to come into the worship service with us instead of staying in his class (which he loves going to). At the end of the service when our pastor asked if there was anyone who wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior, he raised his hand. He was a little hesitant at first because he wasn't sure if that was what he was supposed to do at that time, but then he wanted to be sure that Pastor Kirk saw his hand! We all three (Tyler, Jeremy and I) got to walk up to the front of the church after the prayer, hand-in-hand, to let our church family know that Tyler had asked Jesus into his heart. Our church gets excited about this decision, so there were cheers and clapping, and there were tears in my eyes (and I think in Jeremy's a little too, although I'm not sure he'd admit it - he's not a crier).
Since we're not sure what day he actually said his prayer the first time, and our discussions and prayers were spread out over several days after that, we are claiming the Sunday, April 25, 2010, when he went before our church, as the day he asked Jesus into his heart.
I am so proud and so excited about his decision. I also told him that Jesus and the angels were celebrating in heaven. And I believe his Grammy and Papa are also celebrating with them in heaven! I know all of his family here on earth are excited. I called them all that day! :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New Bullock Baby, Easter Weekend, and...Some Other Stuff
So, we got to go up to visit our newest nephew/cousin Easter weekend. We stayed at June's parents' house, so the boys got to play outside and go fishing & 4-wheeler riding. Here are a few pictures from that.
Easter Sunday
Fishing with Daddy - Can you see the resemblance?
Digging for worms for fishing
"Eating" the worms they dug up!
The Thursday night before this, we were at Tyler's t-ball practice and Tucker dislocated his elbow - the one not in a cast already! Jeremy and I could only utter a "good grief!" I took him to the same urgent care place we had been twice before for his other arm. Since they had previously described what they call "Nursemaid's Elbow" and how children get it, I knew this is what had happened. They fixed him up (put it back in place) and sent us on our way. No calls from Child Services yet for being in there for all this within a 2 week period.
By the way...all he did was hang onto Jeremy's hand, lifted his legs, and swung himself. Since he was just using the one good arm, it hurt him. Now we have to be more careful with it as it is much more likely to happen again.
He got his cast off the next week. It's been a week now since it's been off and no injuries so far.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010