The Bullocks

The Bullocks

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Here is just a glimpse at my boys, although there are no pictures.

Last night...between 4:30 and 5:30, this is what Tyler, my 6 year old ate: 2 girl scout cookies, 2 1/2 cherry poptarts, an entire can of mini raviolis, then 2 more girl scout cookies! I don't see how he does it! Although, he was doing a lot of exercising with the Wii Fit Plus - before school and after.

Also last night, Tucker, the 3 year old, insists on wearing a Spiderman costume up to church for Lifegroup, mask and all! I didn't try to stop him. He was in full Spiderman mode, thinking everyone believed he was the REAL Spiderman, shooting webs at anyone who spoke to him (sound effects and everything). Then again this morning, he decided to be Robin (Batman's sidekick) to take Tyler to school. Luckily we don't get out of the truck when we drop him off.

Our life is interesting - and fun!

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