The Bullocks

The Bullocks

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Surgery #4

Tyler will be having a tonsillectomy tomorrow. He's had three surgeries in his life already, so this will be the fourth. They've all been "routine" surgeries, and he has done well with each of them. He's had 2 sets of tubes put in, adenoids removed, and the last set of tubes had to be surgically removed. This tonsillectomy will be more painful afterwards...and for longer than these others. All 4 of these surgeries have been with the same ENT, so that's comforting. We like her. And we know he hasn't had any trouble with anesthesia. Of course, my mommy brain still makes me just a little bit worried about it. It is a surgery, after all.

And did you know that it is possible for adenoids to grow back? I didn't know that, but it's possible. So they'll check for that too. If they've grown back, he'll have those removed again as well. I don't imagine that will add any more discomfort or pain than he'll already have. I have been advised to keep the pain meds in him on schedule before he needs to ask for it.

His first surgery was when he was only about 20 months old, I think. The next one was at age 5. The third at age 7. Now his fourth is at age 8. I don't think he's nervous, but we'll see for sure tonight and in the morning. He knows this doctor well enough since we've been seeing her since he was a baby. She has boys his age too, and is good with him. 

He is most looking forward to missing school. (No offense to his wonderful teacher.) But we did plan it for when he will not be missing as much. They are out of school next Monday through Wednesday for Mardi Gras - a perk to living in Louisiana, although their Spring Break isn't until Easter. So, he will maybe only miss 4 days of school. 

Cammie (my Mama) will be getting here sometime tonight to be here, particularly to help with Tucker for the first few days. He's going to miss his constant playmate while Tyler is sleeping and recovering for a while. He's really excited that Cammie is coming to play with him, especially the painting part. :-)

Well, I need to get ready to go to the store. I've got to stock up on ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you shared this so we can pray for Tyler! Keep us posted on how things go...three of our boys have each had one very MINOR surgery. Both were outpatient, with very little recovery. We are blessed, I know.

    Prayers for peace and a fast recovery!
