The Bullocks

The Bullocks

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bubble Wrap

I've decided that I should probably wrap Tucker in bubble wrap for a while, or full pads, like hockey equipment. The child apparently thinks he's indestructible. He was a little cautious when he hurt his arm before he got the cast on, but since then, he's been crazy! There is nothing he has not tried to do even though he has a cast on his arm.

The night he got the cast, he was back on our trampoline, totally uninhibited. And I should mention that he was also bitten all over his feet by ants the morning of the accident that he hurt his arm.

The next day, he was riding his bike in the driveway and sidewalk in front of our house. He fell and skinned his knee pretty good.

The next day or so, he and Tyler are trying to play soccer or something in the living room, and he somehow hits his head on the window sill, and he now has a big bruise on his forehead.

That same day, the boys are on the trampoline, and as is typical, Tucker has to use the bathroom. They don't like to have to come in the house while they are outside to do this, so they don't! I look out the window to see Tyler standing behind Tucker "holding" him still while Tucker has his pants pulled down enough to pee off the side of the trampoline. They've been told not to do this, but it obviously didn't stop him. Tucker loses his balance and falls off of the trampoline, going head first to the ground, pants down and all. Thankfully, he was not hurt.

One of Jeremy's favorite sayings is, "If you're going to be stupid, you'd better be tough." Well, although I don't want to call my children stupid, they do a lot of things that really could be considered stupid, at least to grown-ups.

In Tucker's defense, he is a pretty tough little boy. Through all of the things he's been through, he has not once taken any Tylenol or Motrin to ease his pain. Now, this is really due to the fact that he is hard-headed (stubborn) and will not take medicine. But, he's dealt with whatever pain he has been in. He has not complained out the cast once. And when he has been hurt, he either doesn't cry, or doesn't cry for long. This is also how we knew that something was really wrong with his arm. He cried for longer than normal and was not trying to use it and keep going like he normally does.

I think God has sent extra guardian angels, or at least one really good one, to be with Tucker. Even though his arm is in a cast now, it is a small break and is supposed to heal in 3 weeks. He could be hurt so much more with all of the things he tries to do.

I still feel like getting some bubble wrap or hockey pads to put him in!


  1. Oh my gosh, the image of Tyler "holding" Tucker while he pees off the trampoline is hilarious! And then he fell? I know it's sad, but it's making me laugh pretty hard.

  2. You've got your hands full. I can't believe he's gotten away with all that with such minor injuries!
