The Bullocks

The Bullocks

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How I should view each day...

Being woken up by your 6 year old saying that he just threw up can be a "typical" day for a stay-at-home mother such as myself. But, it's never how you'd like to start your day.

We are going on day 11 of illness of some sort in the Bullock house. It started with my husband having some sort of bug that kept him in bed (or bathroom) all day. He recovered from that, then my 3 year old, Tucker, begins complaining of his ear hurting. So, we head to the doctor to verify that he has an ear infection, followed by an injection, due to the fact that he refuses to take any type of medicine. That was last Wednesday. Thursday morning, my 6 year old, Tyler, wakes up and tells me he doesn't feel well. He has a fever and congestion. We head to the doctor again to check him out, as well as for Tucker's second injection for his ear infection. Tyler's stuff is still hanging on.

After all of this has been wearing me down for the past week and a half, I realized my stress level has risen significantly. In direct relation to this, I also realized I have not been spending ANY time with the Lord! We missed 2 Sundays of church, as well as our Lifegroup. And my daily devotions... Let's just say they're not as "daily" as they should be.

So, this week, I've resolved to do what it takes to spend at least a few minutes each day reconnecting with the only One who can give me the peace and strength that I need to survive each day.

And this morning, as I'm thinking "woe is me" that Tyler is home sick - again - I decide to read my devotion BEFORE posting a status update on my Facebook about how hard I have it. I will just say that GOD IS GOOD! He can use anything to get his message across to us - always when we need it! In my devotion from the Proverbs 31 Ministries, Rachel Olson writes this in the reflections section:

"How does your perspective on today change when you consider the tremendous gifts of grace, mercy, love and eternal life given you through Christ?"

Well, if that doesn't put my focus back where it should be, I don't know what will!

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